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The 29th World Congress of Public Services International (PSI), meeting in Durban, South Africa, on 27-30 November 2012, adopted the following emergency resolution:
Following the successive and sad events which took place in some Tunisian towns especially since the general strike which started in the region of Siliana, and following the armed repression by police which injured more than two hundred and fifty people, some of whom are in a critical condition;
And in the context of support to militants in the region, and indignation vis-à-vis this policy, the Congress participants gathered in Durban on the occasion of the 29th PSI World Congress:
EXPRESS their support to the struggle of Union Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens (UGTT), for social justice, reduction of unbalanced regional development, the employment, and the improvement of work conditions.
DENOUNCE STRONGLY the repressions exercised by the police against the protesters demanding social and political reforms. This behaviour recalls the dictator who has been deposed by Tunisian citizens.
URGE the Tunisian government to release the detainees for exercising their right to freedom of expression and gathering, and to work for a positive and democratic transition through the socio-political reform based on dialogue and expansion of civil and political participation of all components of the Tunisian society.
In this context, Public Services International:
SUPPORTS the initiative of national dialogue carried by the UGTT aiming at alleviating the social and political tension and creating a favorable climate to overcome the crisis;
APPEALS the trade unionists to participate massively and efficiently to the Global Social Forum planned for the month of March 2013 in Tunisia, as a sign of support for Tunisian affiliates in their struggle for the achievement and the consolidation of democratic transition and relapse prevention, against the threats of hegemony of some groups on the political scene.
See all Congress resolutions including the Program of Action and the Constitution.