While the majority of PSI members work in the health and utilities sectors, our members work in thousands of job categories across many other sectors as well.
15 January 2014
Public Services International affiliates represent hundreds of thousands of educational support workers throughout the world, many of who work without job security, fair compensation and benefits, or recognition that their services are vital to ensuring high quality public education for all citizens. The jobs of support workers are on the frontlines of the privatization and casualization struggle within the education sector, and many of these workers face challenges in pursuing their basic freedom to form a union and collectively bargain their terms and conditions of service. More information
01 November 2011
Reliable electricity improves lives and supports economic development. Just ask anyone who gathers wood to cook. Private corporations – motivated by profit – have frequently failed to expand electrical services to those who need it most. They also charge all the market will bear. Public enterprises – motivated by serving the public interest – are better placed to provide clean, affordable energy.
25 October 2011
Quality health care is important to families, societies and the economy – because healthy workers are more productive. The PSI – which represents 8 million health care workers – believes that care must be available to people who need it, not just to those who can pay. Health care is dangerous work. These workers, and the services they provide, are worthy of everyone’s support. Read more
28 August 2012
Local and regional governments (LRG)/municipal sector workers run essential services in cities, metropolitan areas and territories servicing millions of people and communities every day. Our members work in public administrations; public utilities such as water and sanitation, electricity, and solid waste. They operate public transport and maintain public spaces; work in social, culture and education services such as libraries, museums, kindergartens, schools and universities. They are health and social services workers. Firefighters, emergency, medical first responders and municipal police are also among LRG/municipal workers. PSI defends and promotes the union and labour rights of LRG/municipal workers and advocates their decent working and living conditions so that they can sustainably deliver accessible, quality public services to the local communities and territories they serve and successfully confront the many challenges posed by rapid urbanization and globalization. Join the discussion on PSI's LRG/Municipal Workers Facebook Group.
04 November 2011
Globalisation has given rise to extraordinarily large and powerful multinational enterprises (MNEs). Many are active in sectors providing essential public services, including water and sanitation, health and social services, energy, waste collection and treatment. Some have earnings that dwarf some national economies. MNEs scan the world for natural resources, tax havens, the lowest environmental standards, and the lowest wages. They relentlessly assert their rights to profit in international institutions, tax and trade agreements.
04 November 2011
Quality public services, at their best, are the tools used by responsible and democratic governments to serve the best interests of their citizens. Public administration of services such as health care, education, and utilities promotes equality and the common good, not greater profit for a few. Like all other workers, public employees deserve a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, decent working conditions, and respect for their right to free collective bargaining.
04 November 2011
Clean water and sanitation – recently recognised by the United Nations as basic human rights – are critical to good health. They help prevent disease. Yet billions of people have no ready access to safe water. It is an essential service that governments must provide to protect their citizens and serve their common good.
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