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Unions and civil society walk out on UN climate talks in Poland

26 November 2013
Group demonstration at COP13
Trade union and civil society representatives at COP 13, the UN climate talks in Warsaw, walked out of the meeting on 21 November in protest of government and corporate inaction.

The mass walkout from the UN climate talks only reinforces our analysis from previous years: the corporate capture of national governments and of the United Nations has reached alarming levels, blocking the progress needed on global climate negotiations.  

If we wish to counter this corporate capture, we must mobilise our members and our allies under a common banner.  There are a number of initiatives to limit corporate influence, and PSI will determine which ones to support.  
We also draw attention to the actions which sub-sovereign governments can take.  On 28 October, the US state governments of California, Oregon, Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia, with a combined population of 53 million, signed the Pacific Coast Action Plan on Climate and Energy.  

In Germany, a number of municipalities are renationalising their energy systems in order to build public renewable generation.  

It may well be that local actions are the best hope for real change.  


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