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Algerian government representatives ensured the 104th ILC that it was seeking to bring national legislation in line with ILO Conventions. The Commission on Application of Standards (CAS) adopted a resolution ordering the Algerian government to reintegrate the suspended and dismissed unionists; rapidly register the unions which had applied for registration; and ensure the monitoring of the draft labour code and its conformity with the international conventions ratified by Algeria. However, to this day the Algerian government is still applying pressure and violence against workers’ activists who defend their legitimate social and economic rights.
In Egypt, the government refuses to implement the ILO conventions it has ratified and is engaging in a fierce campaign against independent trade unions. The ministries have issued decrees to restrict independent unions’ activities which are in violation of the Egyptian constitution. The government prohibits trade unionists from conducting union activities and restricts the right to strike. The unions are suffering from increased violations of their rights through abusive transfers and harassment.