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Emergencies and Disasters

PSI represents first responders and frontline workers. These are the people who put their lives at risk in order to protect and save your families. First responders include firefighters and emergency medical technicians, police and other uniformed services. They are also the frontline workers in hospitals and health clinics, in schools, in energy and water utilities; in public transport; in civil administration and in a range of other areas. All of us depend on these people being able to do their jobs, having the right tools and training.

Assessing the performance of New York’s electricity utility Consolidated Edison after Hurricane Sandy

10 February 2014

The Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) assessed the performance of New York’s electricity utility Consolidated Edison after Hurricane Sandy. The findings are very disturbing. In part because of these efforts, New York State Public Service Commission recently launched an operations audit of staffing levels of major energy utilities.

PSI affiliates generously answer call for Philippines solidarity support

20 January 2014
© Photo by EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection

Following the request for donations via the PSI Aid Fund, PSI affiliates around the world have contributed generously to assist our sisters and brothers and their communities in the Philippines, in the wake of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan which swept through on 8 November 2013.

Communiqué: Public Services International Steering Committee SC-17

25 November 2013
PSI Steering Committee and staff, November 2013

Angered by the continuing attacks on public services and the workers who provide these services, distressed by the rising inequality across the world and the failure of the current economic system to provide jobs, particularly for young people, the Steering Committee reiterated its commitments to the 2013-2017 Programme of Action “Social Justice through Quality Public Services” and endorsed priority actions for 2014.

Please send donations for the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan

18 November 2013

Public Services International is collecting donations via the PSI Aid Fund to help our sisters and brothers in the Philippines, further to the PSI Steering Committee decision and in coordination with our affiliates in the country.

Typhoon Haiyan: Solidarity support to all PSI affiliates in the Philippines

12 November 2013

Members of the PSI Steering Committee have expressed their solidarity and deepest condolences to all people in the Philippines in the devastating wake of Typhoon Haiyan.

Condolences for tragic deaths of Arizona firefighters

02 July 2013
A wildfire at Florida Panther NWR. Photo by Josh O'Connor - USFWS

Members of the global union federation Public Services International are saddened to learn of the death of 19 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, a specialist team of wildfire fighters, killed while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona. It appears that a sudden wind change pushed the wildfire back onto their position.

28 April 2013 International Workers' Memorial Day

24 April 2013
Vaccine box with Kick Polio out of Nigeria logo

Honouring frontline workers who’ve lost their lives while helping others

On 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day, Public Services International and affiliate members join in our workplaces and communities to honour fellow workers who have been injured or lost their lives in the delivery of public services.