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The meeting will start at 13h30 on Monday 14th March and finish at 16h00 on Wednesday 16th March. The venue will be at the ITUH (International Trade Union House), Room B – 1st floor, 5 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, B–1210 Brussels.
The seminar aims to raise awareness of the role of public service workers in dealing with migrants. Partly this is a follow up to the conclusions and recommendations of an earlier survey.
It will also help build upon related work in the sectoral social dialogue e.g. LRG guidelines on migration and non-discrimination or NEA recommendations on quality of administrations for people in vulnerable situations
It will allow trade unions, in countries of origin and transit in Africa, MENA and in destination countries in the Mediterranean, to exchange information and experiences, with a view to developing a common strategy and action plan to deal with migration and refugees protection.