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Trabajadores jóvenes

Los trabajadores jóvenes deben tener la oportunidad de acceder a trabajos decentes. Las investigaciones muestran sistemáticamente que las mujeres y los hombres jóvenes están a menudo marginados. Tienen que superar más barreras que los adultos para obtener un empleo decente. En todo el mundo, los jóvenes tienen tres veces y media más probabilidades de estar desempleados. Es necesario tomar medidas para garantizar que los jóvenes tengan acceso a la educación, a la formación y a oportunidades económicas.

PSI General Secretary: How to fund quality public services in the future

28 October 2012

How do we fund quality public services in the future? Who should benefit and who will have to pay? These were the topics of Peter Waldorff's speech at the “Education in Crisis” seminar in Brussels.

Greece: Fires of unrest

22 October 2012
Young women at the demonstrations in Greece

A report from the Greek general strike, 18 October 2012

“The fires here in Greece are spreading all over Europe.” Leading into the 18 October general strike against the Greek government’s budget cuts, Ilias Iliopoulos, the general secretary of ADEDY, the public sector union confederation, is defiant.

UK: Hundreds of thousands call for A Future that Works

22 October 2012
Green shoes

In the streets of London, Glasgow and Belfast hundreds of thousands of people took part in the march for A Future that Works on October 20.

Young and older workers, two sides of the same coin

08 October 2012
Two bakers

Many countries suffering from huge youth unemployment levels are also experiencing population ageing. Isn’t it time to start thinking of older workers as a category that deserves specific attention?

Work forecast for young people

26 September 2012
Weather forecast symbol

What is the work forecast for young people in your country? A new website gives you the answer, and also the possibility to take action.

Actions and events against austerity all over Europe

21 September 2012

Major protests against austerity measures are taking place in many European countries.We give you the list of upcoming events:

Youth unemployment getting worse

10 September 2012
Young persons

The spillover of the euro crisis spreads. Jobless rates among young people get worse globally, according to a report from ILO.

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