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UK: Continuous strike greets new National Gallery director

12 August 2015
Strikers at the National Gallery, London

The first week of the National Gallery's new director will be marked by continuous strike action by staff fighting privatisation, the Public and Commercial Services union says. Since11 August, the union's members have embarked on a continuous strike after taking more than 50 days since February.

Reaction to the agreed Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development by PSI

24 July 2015

On 16 July, the Financing for Development Conference (FFD3) has come to an end by adopting the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on FFD. PSI joins the trade union movement and civil society partners in their rejection of the outcome, which will be neither transformative nor deliver the future we want.

The support for energy privatisation in Nigeria is not acceptable

Nigeria stop privatisation

Millions of pounds of UK aid money has been used to support the privatisation of Nigeria’s electricity system. The result has been a disaster with escalating energy prices, job losses and declining quality of services. PSI has joined Global Justice Now and UNISON in their campaign to stop this privatisation.

Development without Public Services?

16 July 2015

While we have seen a remarkable shift in the debate on tax within the Financing for Development (FFD) agenda, the funding and recognition of the role of public services for development remains problematic.

Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD3)

13 July, 2015 to 16 July, 2015

As negotiations for the Post 2015 Development Agenda draw to a close at the United Nations, Member States are discussing means of implementation and financing. PSI is taking an active part in this process together with other trade unions and civil society partners.

What lies beneath? A critical assessment of PPPs and their impact on sustainable development

9 Jul 2015

This report by Eurodad, the European Network on Debt and Development, looks at the empirical and theoretical evidence available on the nature and impact of PPPs, and analyses the experiences of Tanzania and Peru. It critically assesses whether PPPs deliver on the promises of their proponents and gives concrete recommendations for policymakers.

Mission impossible: Development without Public Services

13 July, 2015

In the run up to the Third UN Conference on Financing for Development (FFD) in Addis Ababa, PSI, together with eight civil society organising partners, is holding an event to raise concerns on the effects of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in health, education and water and sanitation and propose alternative policy options that are more compatible with social development.

Public finance and democratic control are key to achieving the SDGs

06 July 2015

PSI Deputy General Secretary David Boys, and Satoko Kishimoto, coordinator of the Reclaiming Public Water Network and the Water Justice Project at the Transnational Institute (TNI) have published a post on the Public Finance for WASH blog.

Forum: Privatisation - Alternatives in the Public's Interest

21 July, 2015

A one-day forum for public sector unions and their allies

Juneia Batista, FETAM-SP, Brazil

Video: Brazil - cuts and privatisation damaging health and other public services

01 June 2015

Juneia Batista, FETAM-SP, Brazil