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15 February 2016

Fortalecer os sindicatos do setor público em escala mundial para que fomentem os direitos e interesses dxs trabajadorxs e promovan a ideia de que os serviços públicos de qualidade são essenciais para construir sociedades justas e inclusivas onde todas as pessoas gozem de igual acesso e iguais oportunidades.

PT: Trade union rights news

15 February 2016

Translate into PT: All work has dignity, and all workers deserve to be treated with respect by their employers. Trade unions play a decisive role in improving working conditions, safety and wages – yet some governments and employers systematically abuse the right of workers to join existing unions or form new ones. PSI works actively to support the right of workers to free collective bargaining, and to help stop abuses when they occur.

Políticas públicas para LGBTI na América Latina

8 Dec 2015

A construção deste texto foi feita com a colaboração de grupos LGBTI da América Latina por meio de respostas a um breve questionário. Texto sobre avanços nas políticas públicas para LGBTI na américa latina, enfocando nas ações que o estado pode fazer e na aprovação de legislação para garantir direitos.

McDonald's: as consequências da sonegação de impostos

16 September 2015
Foto: Sinthoresp

Especialistas comentam denúncias de sonegação de impostos pelo McDonald´s, publicadas em relatório em maio, e os prejuízos que as manobras de elisão fiscal trazem para os governos, sociedade e trabalhadores.


02 September 2015

In North, Central and South America and the Caribbean, 140 labor organizations in 35 countries are affiliated to PSI, with a total membership of about 3.3 million workers. The regional office is currently based in São Paulo, Brazil. Contact the regional offices.

Forums mondiaux sur les ressources humaines pour la santé

10 October, 2013 to 14 October, 2013

PSI affiliates in Peru are fighting against a proposed new Civil Service Law that threatens trade union and human rights for public service workers.

Photos: Peru day of action against civil services law

08 August 2013

PSI affiliates in Peru are fighting against a proposed new Civil Service Law that threatens trade union and human rights for public service workers.


Video: Ruta de la Vergüenza - Argentina

18 June 2013


PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for USA and Canada

26 January, 2012 to 27 January, 2012