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STOP Gender-based violence at work!

We have entered a decisive period in time: In one month’s time, at the ILO Conference on 10-21 June 2019, the second discussion and last round of tripartite negotiations will take place on the ILO instruments with a view to adopting an ILO Convention and Recommendation.

72nd World Health Assembly (Geneva)

20 May, 2019 to 28 May, 2019

Fresenius: unions launch first-ever global care workers’ alliance

15 May 2019

In parallel with Fresenius’ annual general meetings of shareholders, trade unions will launch the Fresenius Global Union Alliance on 16 and 17 May in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Unions demand that the healthcare giant negotiates a Global Agreement to secure workers' rights in all its operations.

2019 Caribbean Sub-regional Women’s Advisory Committee Meeting (Saint Vincent)

15 May 2019

Thirty women trade union activists, representing 14 of PSI’s affiliates in the Caribbean are participating in the 2019 Women’s Advisory Committee meeting in Saint Vincent.

May Day 2019 - At 100 years old the ILO needs to refind its purpose

30 April 2019

On this May 1st, we call on the International Labour Organization (ILO) to stay true to its origins and values. To be relevant and justifiable, and to set the rules for the work of the future, we must ensure the ILO remains free from the interests of private capital.

Global Unions' statement on UNCSW63

25 April 2019

Statement by Global Unions following the 63rd UN Commission on the Status of Women reaffirms that a human rights-based approach is critical for achieving gender equality.

Missing the mark on gender equality

25 April 2019

Governments don’t do enough to ensure womxn’s* rights to social protection and public services. A joint response from trade unions, and feminist, womxn’s rights and social justice organisations to the CSW63 Agreed Conclusions.

Quebec: Sign the petition to reintegrate whistleblower on private sector interference in pesticide study

Louis Robert, Whistleblower in Quebec

Whistleblower Louis Robert, agronomist and seed expert at the Quebec Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, has been dismissed after speaking out against private sector interference in a public study on pesticide use.

"We require a strong and well-resourced public sector"

19 April 2019

On 18 April, PSI Deputy General Secretary David Boys took part in the Forum on Financing for Development at the United Nations in New York, where he spoke on behalf of the CSO FFD group. Watch his intervention here.