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United Kingdom

UK: Tax office call centre trial finds private sector performed worse

27 November 2013

Advocates of privatisation have been dealt a blow after a year-long trial in tax enquiry call centres found the private sector performed worse and was no cheaper, the Public and Commercial Services union says.

UK prison privatisation cancelled

25 November 2013

A UK government decision of 22 November stated that three prisons in Yorkshire, UK, would stay in the public sector. The move comes in the wake of the resignation of the private company Serco's UK boss as the company tries to repair its image, and the long-overdue increased scrutiny of major government contractors.

Higher education strike in the UK

31 October 2013
Strike for fair pay

PSI affiliates UNISON and Unite, along with the University and College Union (UCU), are preparing a national day of strike action on Thursday 31 October 2013. They will be striking to try to get a significant improvement on the 1% pay offer from the employers.

Australian union delegation visits Unison, UK

18 October 2013

PSI affiliate unions from the UK and Australia got together on 4th October when a delegation from the Australian Services Union (ASU) visited UNISON North West's offices in Manchester, UK.


26 September 2013

Corruption is one of the sicknesses of our society. PSI believes that one of the best alternatives to austerity and cuts to public spending is to seriously fight against corruption. We also link this new PSI campaign against corruption to the fight for global tax justice.

Firefighters need decent working conditions and fair benefits to support their vital work

25 September 2013
Firefighter using water hose

Public Services International stands in solidarity with our affiliate members in the Fire Brigades Union who are taking strike action on 25 September 2013 to protest the attacks on the rights of firefighters in the United Kingdom to have fair pensions.

Firefighters across England and Wales will be on strike for four hours over ‘unsafe, unfair and unworkable’ pension proposals. Firefighters in Wales will march on the Welsh Assembly on Wednesday in protest against attacks on their pensions.

No Trade in Public Services

31 July 2013

The recent wave of trade agreements are direct threats to the provision of Quality Public Services. These new agreements encourage privatisation, restrict governments’ ability to regulate in the public interest and create new and powerful rights for large multinational corporations. They are also a threat to democracy and accountability of government. They are being negotiated in secret, without proper consultation and will bind future governments, often regardless of the decisions of national elections, parliaments and courts. PSI urges all affiliates to understand the implications and join our allies to oppose the harmful effects of these agreements.

PCS logo

Impact of the Spending Cuts on Public and Local Services, Charities and Organisations for LGBT People

1 Jan 2012

This research briefing beings to bring together various reports, research and case studies that are beginning to appear, on the severity of central and local governments‟ spending cuts on organisations and support services which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people use or may use.

LGBT Workers

06 June 2013

PSI is committed to equality for all irrespective of sex, marital status, ethnic origin, national identity, disability, sexual orientation, age or religion, at the workplace, in trade unions and in the broader political, social, economic and cultural context. LGBT workers’ rights are trade union rights, and trade union rights are human rights. Trade unions are committed to fight against discrimination and for an inclusive non-violent society.

Strikes at museums and galleries kick off long weekend of action

30 May 2013
Campaign of Action

Strikes on 30 May at some of the UK's most prestigious museums and galleries kick off a long weekend of action over imposed government cuts, announces PSI UK affiliate Public and Commercial Services union.