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Billions disappearing through tax evasion

19 November 2014
Bernard Adjei, Ghana Tax Justice Campaign - Photo David Falk

Enormous amounts are disappearing through tax evasion. The missing tax revenue in Africa is greater than the entire amount received in development aid. A sound tax policy is a tool for global development, concludes a seminar organised the Union of Civil Servants, ST, Sweden.

Ebola Response

24 October 2014

Deaths to health workers accounted for six percent of all deaths confirmed as due to EVD, even to the end of the outbreaks. Over 500 health workers, including members of PSI affiliated unions, were killed in the line of duty. PSI is actively lobbying national governments, the ILO and WHO and working with health and allied care workers in our unions to rebuild health systems that can resist future outbreaks in the context of universal access to essential healthcare, which is the core of the post-2015 agenda for health.

PSI Vice President appointed Minister in Sweden

06 October 2014

PSI Vice President Annika Strandhäll was appointed Minister for Social Security and Head of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Sweden on 3 October 2014.

In Sweden, public sector elder care staff are happier and better-paid

20 June 2014

In a new report, PSI affiliate in Sweden, Kommunal, draws attention to the difference in working conditions in private and public elder care. In privately-run care homes, wages are lower and employment conditions are worse than in public care homes. Employees in the private sector are less satisfied with their jobs and do not feel as involved in their jobs as workers in the public sector.

PSI at the 7th Global Forum on Migration and Development

15 May 2014
Top table at the Common Space Panel session on Labour Migration

Human Rights and A New Agenda for A Sustainable Pro-people Development Are Critical in Building Partnerships for Decent Work and Social Protection for All Migrant Workers

Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary, addressing the Common Space Panel session at the GFMD

Speech given by PSI General Secretary at the 7th Global Forum on Migration and Development

13 May 2014

PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli addressed the delegates of the 7th Global Forum on Migration and Development on 14 May in the Common Space Panel session on Labour Migration. An estimated 900 delegates representing governments, civil society, international organizations and experts participated in the forum.

Global unions: Labour migration is about the human rights of workers

13 May 2014
The trade union international delegation (PSI, AFT, AFL-CIO) during the PGA

Public Services International forms part of the trade union delegation participating at the Civil Society Days of the 2014 Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) which started on Monday 12 May at the Munchenbryggeriet conference centre in Stockholm, Sweden. The Global Unions will hold a Trade Union Forum “Speak-Out for Migrant Workers' Rights” on 15 May, the first-day of the official government meetings.

7th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

12 May, 2014 to 16 May, 2014

The GFMD Civil Society Days will take place on 12th-13th May 2014 at the Brewery Conference Centre, Stockholm. A shared session with governments, known as the Common Space, will be held in the same venue on the 14th of May. The GFMD Government Days will take place at the same location on 15th - 16th of May.

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

09 April 2014

International trade agreements such as the TPP are currently being fast-tracked and negotiated in secrecy. These agreements undermine local and national government decision-making power and increase corporate access to public services resulting in the privatization of critical public services. PSI is working with global union federations, affiliated unions, and civil society allies who oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) being negotiated in the Asia Pacific Region.

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

02 April 2014

PSI is currently undertaking further research on the effects of the TISA on our sectors. PSI will be working with civil society and other allies to oppose the harmful effects of the TISA.