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Swedish union donates centenary celebration funds in solidarity with Turkish unionists

05 December 2018
The Lund branch of Vision donated funds received during their centenary celebrations to trade unionists in Turkey

On the occasion of its 100-year anniversary, members of the trade union Vision in Lund, Sweden, decided to donate the contributions collected for the event to its solidarity fund. The union has donated the money to the PSI solidarity fund for Turkish trade unions and it will help unionists in Turkey who have been detained for their trade union activity.


26 July 2018

Stay tuned for more!

PSI Constitutional Meetings

27 February 2017

PSI/1199SEIU Roundtable on the Refugee Crisis – Uphold Our Humanity!

22 September 2016

Public Services International (PSI), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and its local affiliate 1199SEIU United Health Care Workers East held a roundtable discussion on 20 September to raise awareness and share union experiences and strategies on the protection of the human rights of migrants and refugees.

PSI meets with Swedish State Secretary for Migration

22 September 2016

Public Services International (PSI) delegates, headed by PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli, met with Irene Wennemo, Sweden’s State Secretary for Migration, on the week of the UN High Level Summit on Migrants and Refugees in New York.

Climate change: Towards and Beyond COP21

08 October 2015

The solutions to the climate challenge require a substantive transformation of the current socio-economic development paradigm, including industrial change. This is not just about some technical changes to energy production or transport systems. What is required is a redefinition of the predominant model of production and consumption. We must give back to the state and public services their role in supporting our communities, and ensure that workers and trade unions are able to participate fully in all steps of this process.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

17 June 2015

PSI works in coalition with EI, ITUC, civil society partners, the ILO and others to influence the inter-governmental negotiations related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Financing for Development (FfD) arena.

PSI Executive Board: the members talk

28 May 2015
Veronika Karlsson, President of VISION, Sweden

Representatives of PSI affiliates met in Geneva on 27-28 May 2015 for the PSI Executive Board meeting. PSI interviewed some Executive Board members and asked them about their union’s activities. Please click on the names to watch the video interviews.

Interview with Veronika Karlsson, President of VISION, Sweden

Video: VISION, Sweden - Improving working conditions for public sector workers

28 May 2015

Interview with Veronika Karlsson, President of VISION, Sweden

Emergencies and Disasters

03 April 2015

PSI represents first responders and frontline workers. These are the people who put their lives at risk in order to protect and save your families. First responders include firefighters and emergency medical technicians, police and other uniformed services. They are also the frontline workers in hospitals and health clinics, in schools, in energy and water utilities; in public transport; in civil administration and in a range of other areas. All of us depend on these people being able to do their jobs, having the right tools and training.