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PSI Aid Fund

The PSI Aid Fund provides help and assistance to trade unions affected by natural disasters or other extreme circumstances. PSI works with affiliates and trade union national centres to ensure that contributions made to the PSI Aid Fund are directed to where they are most needed.

In recent years, the PSI Aid Fund has enabled PSI and its affiliates to bring much-needed aid and assistance to PSI affiliates in Chile, Haiti, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey and Zimbabwe.

Please continue to send your financial contributions to the PSI Aid Fund.

  • Account No. 298 630 31 06 90-0 or IBAN CH72 0844 0298 6303 1069 0
    Banque Cler
    CP 3828
    CH-1211 Geneva 3
    Swift code: BCLRCHBB

Important: All bank transfers must have a reference "PSI Aid fund”  followed, if relevant, by reference to the humanitarian emergency concerned (eg, Japan 2011). Please remember to include your affiliate number in the text of all bank transfers, to ensure contributions are directed accordingly, and inform PSI at psiaidfund@world-psi.org  when making a transfer. This enables PSI to acknowledge your donation with a letter and a certificate.

Further enquiries can be addressed to Aurore Capelier Tel +33 (0)4 50 40 12 12 or email aurore.capelier@world-psi.org

Current solidarity appeals:


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