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Día Internacional de la Mujer 2018: Acciones de todo el mundo

26 Marzo 2018
El 8 de marzo, sindicatos afiliados a la ISP de todo el mundo organizaron movilizaciones, eventos y actividades para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer de 2018 donde hemos exigido la igualdad de pago y la justicia salarial para todos. Estos son algunos de los eventos que tuvieron lugar en el mundo.





Kenya - IWD2018Kenya - IWD2018


Voici les photos de la manifestation menée au Tchad pour célébrer le 8 mars. Nous avons eu un forum citoyen des femmes le 6 mars avec les OSC à la bourse où plusieurs conférences débats ont eu lieu. Cette journée nous avons décidé de nous vêtir en noir en signe de deuil pour attester la misère, l'oppression, les violations au quotidien des femmes au Tchad. Ce matin, le comité des fêtes femmes de la plateforme syndicale revendicative ont vivement protesté contre ces violations et les mesures antisociales prises par notre gouvernement. Les travailleuses ont fait une déclaration d'appel à l'écoute et au dialogue franc, avec quelques chansons traduisant notre lutte. Nous avons été interceptés par la police qui a arraché nos banderoles et barricadé l'entrée aux locaux de la permanence du syndicat des enseignants où on menait notre manifestions.



Venezuela - IWD2018


PSLINK together with the women of NAGKAISA, IndustriALL, Akbayan, Office of Senator Risa Hontiveros, Partido Manggawa, Philippine Legislators Council for Population and Development, and the Committee on Women and Gender Equality of the Philippines House of Representatives Chaired by Rep. Bernadette Herrera Dy,  held an event on 5 March called “100 women for 100 days Expanded Maternity Leave” at the House of Representatives, Quezon City to push for the enactment of Expanded Maternity Leave bill to increase maternity leave from the current 60 days to 100 days. The bill is now on second reading and they target to have it passed by the lower chamber during the month of March.

Philippines - IWD2018Philippines - IWD2018

Philippines - IWD2018Philippines - IWD2018


On March 1, as an action for March 8 International Women’s Day, JICHIRO, Japan Public Sector Union (Kokko Rengo) and the PSI-JC Secretariat carried out lobbying activities with the government, political parties and the Diet Members’ ILO Alliance. Lobbying was carried out at the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Diet Members’ ILO Alliance, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the Democratic Party, the Party of Hope, and the Social Democratic Party. More information here.

Japan IWD2018


En Perú, nos sumaremos a las marchas programadas, la principal es la de TODAS POR JUSTICIA, que se hará el 08 de marzo a las 4pm., donde cada sector de mujeres que participe exprese su lucha por justicia, contra la  violencia, porque el índice por feminicidio es alarmante, nos matan todos los días, y la violencia no para... exigimos igualdad de oportunidades y tenemos avances pero son lentos y necesitamos que más mujeres hagan suya ésta lucha... en el caso de las estatales estamos llevando el Encuentro Nacional de Dirigentas Estatales Mujeres este 22 de Marzo en la ciudad de Iquitos y veremos el tema de violencia de género en el trabajo y justicia fiscal con enfoque de género cuyos resultados poder alcanzar a las campañas de la región. La ISP es el articulador entre las bases sindicales y seguiremos posicionando nuestra agenda, como la de los 23 días, del 14 de feb al 08 de marzo - que se ha difundido a nivel Nacional para el apoyo al Convenio con la OIT de ALTO a la Violencia de género en el trabajo, para avanzar en nuestra lucha por la equidad.


NCC Ghana marked International Women’s Day with a symposium. See here the programme.

More information on the International Women's Day Symposium that took place in Ghana: “Domestic work to be formalized in Ghana,” Labour Minister announces as world marks International Women’s Day 2018

Ghana -IWD2018Ghana -IWD2018

Ghana -IWD2018Ghana -IWD2018


Dans le cadre de la célébration du 8 mars 2018, le comité des femmes ISP / Mali a participé à l'organisation d'une journée de dépistage gratuit de cancer du col de l'utérus au centre de santé de référence commune III du district de Bamako le 7 mars 2018. Nous souhaitons à toutes les femmes du monde entier plein de succès dans leurs revendications légitimes. Madame Yattassaye Sira Sissoko présidente CF/ISP/Mali.

Mali - IWD2018Mali - IWD2018

Mali - IWD2018Mali - IWD2018

Mali - IWD2018Mali - IWD2018


PSI Bangladesh affiliates through its women’s committee, has organised a week-long campaign activity to celebrate International women's day 2018. On the 1st day of the campaign, 8 March, there was a gathering in front of National Press Club in Dhaka. A huge number of women members from different organizations assembled to celebrate the day. The next 5 days, the women committee will organize campaign meetings of different affiliate offices where they will get the opportunity to exchange their views and ideas.

Trinidad y Tobago

On 6 March, Sis Jillian Joy Bartlett-Alleyne, General Secretary of the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) from Trinidad and Tobago was a panellist at the launch of a handbook that featured guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment. The forum was hosted by the Equal Opportunity Commission of Trinidad and Tobago and partners in this venture were, National Trade Union Centre, ILO, Ministry of Labour and the Employers' Consultative Association.

On the evening of 6 March, the Women's Executive Council (WEC) attended a forum where the topic "Why Gender Matters" was discussed. The topic explored "Public Policy and the Role of Gender in improving the quality of life and the Legal Framework for Gender Equality and Gender in the Current Economic Climate". There was a candle lighting ceremony to commemorate International Women’s Day.

On 7 March, the WEC had a booth at the Women's City Village, where they distributed information on decent work and launched their book entitled "Her Story, Our Story" which is based on the life of one of our members and her rise from domestic and workplace violence. 

On 8 March, the WEC was at a national women's rally and also at Trincity Mall with another booth. Trincity Mall is the largest shopping mall in the Caribbean and this will be their main activity for IWD 2018.

Trinidad & Tobago IWD2018Trinidad & Tobago IWD2018

Trinidad & Tobago IWD2018Trinidad & Tobago IWD2018


Masiva movilización del 8 de mayo FESPROSA participó en todo el país

Argentina - IWD2018Argentina - IWD2018


All Pakistan Labour Federation (APLF) Women wing stressed the need that women should get education first priority adding that because education is key to the progress of every society.

Pakistan - IWD2018They expressed these views while speaking at ceremony held to mark World Women’s Day at Quetta. Members of Balochistan Assembly, APLF Women Wing including and a large number of girls/working women attended the ceremony.

APLF press reporter said women have been playing important role in different walks of life including politics, health, and education. She said women should struggle for their due rights adding that today women have strong voices for their rights as they are sitting in decision making lawmaker bodies fighting for their legitimate rights.

But women of rural areas were not aware about International Women Day. We should initiate awareness campaigns to aware women of rural areas about women’s day and the girl should be provided with education.

Balochistan Province entails over half of Pakistan’s geographic area with a fraction of its total population. Host of factors have contributed to the extreme poverty, evident in every sphere. Women are recognized as only 4.41% of the total workforce here; none in the employer’s category. Average monthly income for women labourers is also 44% less than men.  All Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) against the gender based violence in country. We work together we are control these kind of violence.


Mujer ALZA TU VOZ - 8 de marzo 2018



The Cyprus Turkish Civil Servants trade union organized a conference for their members on 8 March for International Women's Day. The famous Personal Transformation Expert and Author, Aret Vartanyan was the guest. Vartanyan, held a discussion based on the day and answered questions.    

Turkey - IWD2018Turkey - IWD2018

Turkey - IWD2018Turkey - IWD2018

Afiliados de la ISP celebran el Día Internacional de la Mujer en el mundo árabe

Every eighth of March, International Women's Day, we recall the feminist struggle against racial discrimination, against humiliation and the deprivation of their most basic rights. Women have achieved some rights and gains in different parts of the world and at various levels, but equality with men is still far from being achieved, especially in Arab countries. (Recently, the World Economic Conference in Davos predicted that gender gap would not be completely sealed until 2186).

In the Arab world, there are pressing issues for women such as their right to work, to combat violence, the status of women and children in wartime, their political rights and other issues need to be addressed in order to achieve equality.

An overview of Arab women status in the Arab world and highlights on PSI affiliates celebrations on the International Women's Day

Mujeres palestinas

As women celebrate their International Day, the Israeli occupation continues to violate the rights of Palestinian women. The Israeli Occupation forces detain 62 Palestinian women, including six children, nine injured women and three women in administrative detention without charge or trial; they are also subjected to various forms of physical and psychological torture.

At the occasion of 8 March 2018, the Palestinian authorities announced that women are allowed to apply for a passport for their children and open them a bank account and pick them up from school. Moreover, the Palestinian president approved the amendment of the penal code and the article on mitigating the sentence on the grounds of honor killings, that is, the removal of the excuse for murder on the grounds of honor. On the other hand, the Palestinian Cabinet decided that Thursday, 8 March, the International Women’s Day to be an official holiday in all ministries, government and private institutions. These achievements are the result of a long struggle carried out by women committees within PSI affiliated unions.

Mujeres marroquíes

Morocco's parliament passed a law criminalizing violence against women amid widespread opposition from women's rights groups because the law does not include a clear definition of violence. The parliament also passed a bill allowing women to work as notary, a position that was exclusive for men.

Moroccan women still face major challenges, such as the issue of underage marriage, which is making slow progress and does not commensurate with the legislation and government decisions taken by Morocco in this context as girls in poorer areas are stopping their learning process at early age. 

Morocco IWD2018
Morocco, International Women’s Day: Participation of PSI affiliate (Union Maroccaine du Travail) in PSI International Campaign of “23 days of action to stop gender-based violence at work”

Mujeres tunecinas

The Tunisian Parliament passed a law providing equality between men and women in inheritance and the granting of equal rights to family affairs for both the wife and the husband. The law also grants women the right to give their name to their children if the children wish to. The law also abolished the dowry. In addition, they abolished a ban that forbade Muslim women marriage to non-Muslims. As well as the activation of deterrent laws for the impunity of the perpetrator of rape, and adopted a national plan to reduce the phenomenon of harassment in public space. Tunisia is now presiding over the 37th session of the Women's Committee at the Arab League, and Arab countries and organizations have unanimously chosen Tunisia as the capital of Arab women in 2018.

Tunisia IWD2018Tunisia IWD2018
Tunisia affiliates, International Women’s Day: Participation in PSI campaign of: “Stop all forms of violence against women in the workplace”

Tunisia IWD2018

A study carried out by the Tunisian trade union center (UGTT) shows: 78% is the rate of women from the total workers laid off from work. 53% of women are subject to harassment, 42% of violence is a domestic violence.








Tunisia IWD2018Tunisia IWD2018

Tunisia, International Women’s Day: Posters- “Stop Gender-Based Violence at Work”

Mujeres argelinas

PSI independent affiliates together with the Algerian Association for the Defense of Human Rights celebrated International Women's Day. In this regard, the Association considered that, despite the fact that the Algerian Authority has paid great attention to women in general and working women in particular, having ratified all international conventions relating to the protection of women and the protection and promotion of working women in particular, hence, the reality confirms the opposite. As reported by PSI affiliate, “Syndicat National Autonome du Personel de l’Administration Public (SNAPAP)” and “Syndicat National Autonome de travailleurs de l’Electricité et du Gas, (SNATEG)”, Women face substantial obstacles and difficulties through the arbitrary practices that they are subjected to, which drives them to resign and quit their jobs and lose their employment rights. Among the obstacles that have hindered women's work is sexual harassment in all its forms. Fifty per cent of working women in the public or private sector being sexually harassed through verbal and physical practices; it is very difficult to prove the act of sexual harassment with evidence and facts. A male trade unionist leader from SNATEG, has been judged for defamation, because he supported a woman who has been sexually harassed.

Algeria IWD2018Algeria IWD2018

Mujeres kuwaitíes

On the International Women’s Day, the Committee on Women's Affairs participated in the conference on the rights and duties of working women in the Kuwaiti legislation organized by the General Federation of Kuwaiti Workers. They stressed on the important gains achieved by working women through the labor law No. 6/2010, especially Article 26, which emphasized on the right to gender equality.

Women have also been invited to work in various branches of labor, to become more and more active in their trade union organizations, to contribute effectively to the activities organized by trade unions at all levels and to play their leading role in their labor unions within trade union frameworks in order to impose their presence on the ground base.

Kuwait IWD2018 Kuwait IWD2018

Mujeres jordanas

Jordan recently amended the Domestic Violence Act 2008 with some partial improvements.

On International Women's Day, the Women's Committee of the General Union of Jordanian Trade Unions held a symbolic stand in front of the General Union headquarters. The participants held banners saying “Stop gender violence in the workplace” and denounced violence against women in the workplace in all its forms and manifestations.

The stand is part of the international campaign “Stop Gender Violence in the Workplace” launched by PSI, with the participation of the affiliates through the Jordanian Unions.

Jordan IWD2018

Jordan, International Women’s Day- General Union headquarters: A symbolic stand for the campaign “Stop Gender Violence in the Workplace”

Simultaneously with the celebration of International Women's Day, the Women's Committee of the General Union of Electricity Workers, affiliated to PSI, launched the “Why Not” initiative, which aims to combat the culture of shame. Wafaa Hajat, Head of the committee, emphasized that women are able to work as men do. The committee worked within the staff of the Al-Manaseer fuel station, which embraced the initiative of the committee.
Jordan IWD2018

Jordan-International Women’s Day-Al Manaseer fuel Station: Women from Women's Committee of the General Union of Electric Filling Fuel

Mujeres libanesas

On 16 August 2017, Lebanon’s Parliament repealed Article 522 of the Penal Code that had allowed rapists to escape prosecution if they married their victims.

On International Women's Day, a mass rally was held in Beirut, with the particiaption of women's associations, civil society organizations, trade unions, domestic workers, refugees and housewives. They carried slogans against patriarchal violence in all its forms, ranging from the sponsorship system to the family homicide through stereotyping, harassment, custody, nationality rights, salaries, etc…

Lebanon IWD2018Lebanon IWD2018

Beirut, International Women’s Day- Slogans: “No, our life is not in Pink”, “Detained, Disappeared and Besieged Syrian Women: Here, We Are Your Voice, Here, We Are For You”

Lebanon IWD2018Lebanon IWD2018

Beirut, International Women’s Day- Slogans: “Each Day, a Woman Dies; We Won’t Stay Silent”, “Death of women domestic workers is not a Coincidence”, “Women Rights: Abolish the Sponsorship System”

Lebanon IWD2018

Beirut, International Women’s Day- Slogans: “Multiple Issues”, “Transgender Women Are Women As Well”

Más información:

Social media: #IWD2018, #8M. The UN issued a call for International Women’s Day 2018 to #PressforProgress. The UN also lauds the global activism for women's equality fuelled by movements like #MeToo, #TimesUp.

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