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UNCSW60: Commission on the Status of Women

14 March, 2016 to 24 March, 2016
09.00 - 17.00
New York, USA
Event type: 
Photo: CTF - FCE/Flickr
The sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 14 to 24 March 2016.

PSI is an accredited organisation for the UN Commission on the Status of Women and will be participating with a delegation of 20 people from our affiliated unions. Although a large part of our activities will take place during the first week, we are seeking to ensure representation throughout the entire UNCSW60, with delegates attending the entire event and others attending only part of it.

The priority theme for UNCSW60 will be: “Women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development”. In preparation for the 60th session, UN Women will convene an expert group meeting (EGM) on this theme, from 1 to 4 November 2015, in New York. The session will also review the theme of the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls, basing the discussion on the agreed conclusions from the 57th session.

The Global Unions have jointly prepared and submitted a Statement to the UNCSW60: Organising for Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment by 2030

  • One of the main reasons why women join trade unions is to take charge of their own social and economic empowerment by getting organised and bargaining collectively for decent work. 70 million women world-wide are represented in trade unions. Consequently, unions are key stakeholders and actors in ensuring all of the Sustainable Development Goals are met by 2030.
  • Essential public services, including water, sanitation, health and education must be excluded from public/private partnerships, blended finance and trade agreements, as such initiatives impact most negatively on women’s social rights. Tax justice and progressive taxation models can provide a solid alternative base for the public policies needed to achieve gender equality.

For more information on the UNCSW union delegation:

 For more information on the session:

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