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Resolution 31: Against feminicide in Mexico, Central America and the Dominican Republic

30 November, 2012

The 29th World Congress of Public Services International (PSI),
meeting in Durban, South Africa, on 27-30 November 2012


that the organisations affiliated to Public Services International have participated in the construction of women’s human rights and protection mechanisms for the eradication of the many expressions of gender, ethnic, class and racist-related violence in our region;


among others, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará) and the Brasilia Consensus of the 11th Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean;


at the alarming increase in recent years of the statistics on violence against women or feminicide to use a term commonly used in this subregion to describe the killing of women and the prevailing impunity of the perpetrators caused by the judicial system;

RESOLVES, therefore, to: 

  1. SUBMIT this resolution to the 29th World Congress in repudiation of all forms of violence against women and girls, continue to demand compliance with all international treaties ratified by states and demand the implementation of effective measures to stop violence against women and girls;
  2. CALL ON states to take urgent measures against feminicide and all forms of violence against women and girls;
  3. URGE affiliates of Public Services International to continue developing alliances and strengthening the dialogue with women organised in our trade unions and social movements and stand up to all forms of violence against women and the institutional violence of the state, as represented by the impunity promoted by the judiciary;
  4. EXHORT PSI affiliates to commit themselves to continue taking affirmative action so that states promote public policies aimed at achieving change on the issue of social and sexual violence against women;
  5. STRENGTHEN the PSI’s plan of action to eliminate economic, social, cultural, civic and political inequalities and promote the effective participation of women in the construction of a new inclusive, equitable and egalitarian society;
  6. WORK WITH social and feminist movements to take joint action against the many expressions of violence against women and girls;
  7. PROMOTE and support inter-generational dialogues, facilitating and strengthening the full participation of young people in order to provide them with new opportunities for social, political, economic, cultural and labour development.


See all Congress resolutions including the Program of Action and the Constitution.


Also see