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PSI Releases Booklet series on Healthcare Workers in South Asia

14 April, 2017
Non-Standard Work in the Healthcare Sector in South Asia is a series of publications aimed at disseminating information on the challenges facing the health workforce in the region, both in the public and private sector. Overall, we hope that the booklets published under the series will provide a window into the issues of interest of Public Services International, South Asia and areas of possible collaboration with existing and future allies in the struggle for Health for All with Decent Work around the world.

The current set of publications under this series include the following:

  • Informalisation and Trade Union Movement: A Case Study of Delhi exploring the evolution of the trade union movement in the sector against the backdrop of the continuous neglect of the public health sector. (up coming)
  • Non-Standard Work and Quality of Healthcare Services providing a framework to understand the multiple paths through which growing informalisation of employment leads to the deterioration of the quality of services in the public healthcare sector, giving a stern warning against leaving this practice unchecked.
  • Informalisation of Work and Quality of Healthcare Services: A Pilot Study in Delhi, which delves into the experience of informalised workers in key public facilities in Delhi to give a compelling insight into the negative impacts of this practice for workers, and open avenues to think and understand how this in turn affects the institutions they work in and the health system more broadly. (up coming)
  • Investing in Health: The Emergence of Healthcare Corporates in South Asia which provides a mapping of the nature of the private sector in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and its sources of financing. (up coming)

The booklet series was released on the occasion of World Health Day, on 7 April 2017 in New Delhi, India.

For more information, contact Baba Aye, Global Health Officer - baba.aye@world-psi.org, Michael Whaites, coordinator for the Human Right to Health Campaign in Asia Pacific - michael.whaites@world-psi.org, and Susana Barria, Project Coordinator in South Asia - susana.barria@world-psi.org

Employment in HC MNCs Informalisation of workNon-standard work


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