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Local and Regional Government/Municipal sector

Local and regional governments (LRG)/municipal sector workers run essential services in cities, metropolitan areas and territories servicing millions of people and communities every day. Our members work in public administrations; public utilities such as water and sanitation, electricity, and solid waste. They operate public transport and maintain public spaces; work in social, culture and education services such as libraries, museums, kindergartens, schools and universities. They are health and social services workers. Firefighters, emergency, medical first responders and municipal police are also among LRG/municipal workers. PSI defends and promotes the union and labour rights of LRG/municipal workers and advocates their decent working and living conditions so that they can sustainably deliver accessible, quality public services to the local communities and territories they serve and successfully confront the many challenges posed by rapid urbanization and globalization. Join the discussion on PSI's LRG/Municipal Workers Facebook Group.

Waste collection in Canada: When private goes public – community wins

28 February 2017
Conception Bay South garbage collection

Five years ago, the town of Conception Bay South, Newfoundland and Labrador, was facing problems with its privatized solid waste collection. Complaints were on the rise, and costs were headed in the same direction. In 2011, the town council voted to bring the service in house, ending 30 years of contracting-out.

Indian High Court rules community health volunteers are municipal employees

31 January 2017
Some of the 4000 women affected by the rule

After 14 years of struggle, 4,000 women health volunteers in Mumbai have been granted the status of municipal employees. They will now be covered for pension benefits and insurance.

Municipal workers’ unions in Ecuador back on track to unity and a role in local development policies

05 December 2016

The International Meeting of Municipal Trade Unions, held in Quito on 22 October 2016 and sponsored by the PSI through its IMPACT project in Ecuador, provided an opportunity for municipal trade union representatives that participated in PSI’s international delegation to Habitat III to meet representatives of Ecuadorian municipal trade unions and professional organisations.

Habitat III’s New Urban Agenda will not deliver unless it creates decent work and fully includes trade unions and workers

21 November 2016
Habitat III

Over 70 people attended Habitat III’s Trade Union and Workers Roundtable held on 18 October 2016 by a joint international trade union and allies delegation headed by Public Services International (PSI) and Building and Woodworkers International (BWI).

PSI delegation voices public sector union issues at UCLG world congress

15 November 2016
UCLG 2016

A PSI delegation of Local and Regional Government/Municipal trade unions from Colombia together with representatives of PSI regional and Head offices voiced public sector workers’ issues at the 5th World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders, the Congress of the United Cities and Local Government Global Network (UCLG) that took place 12-15 October 2016 in Bogotà, Colombia.  Held every three years, the Summit elects the new UCLG President and Executive Committee.

PSI Local and Regional Government Unions set common priorities and launch Global LRG/Municipal Workers’ Network

25 October 2016
LRG meeting

Over 60 PSI affiliated union representatives from the local and regional government sector (LRG) and from 30 countries worldwide gathered in Brussels, Belgium, last 19 September for a PSI and EPSU convened global LRG/municipal sector-wide conference, to share and identify common challenges, joint priorities and good practices.

PSI calls for an inclusive new urban agenda at HIII

13 October 2016

An international delegation of PSI affiliates and staff will participate in Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016. The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development is an exceptional event that occurs every 20 years. Habitat II took place in Istanbul in 1996 and delivered at the time the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements. Habitat III is expected to deliver a new document, the New Urban Agenda.