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External event

ILO Tripartite Meeting on Improving Employment and Working Conditions in Health Services (Geneva)

24 April, 2017 to 28 April, 2017

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss decent work strategies that effectively address health workforce shortages, as a prerequisite to enable provision of equal access to health care for all in need, with a view to adopting conclusions on future programme development and to inform policy-making on the selected topic at the international, regional and national levels.

More information on ILO website.


ITUC/Global Unions and World Bank/IMF High level meetings

7 February, 2017 to 9 February, 2017

PSI is part of the trade union delegation attending the two and a half days meetings with the IMF and World Bank and will be represented as a discussant in the session on "Joint work towards universal social protection and healthcare"'.

140th WHO Executive Board

23 January, 2017 to 1 February, 2017

The Executive Board is composed of 34 technically qualified members elected for three-year terms. This year the annual Board meeting is held from 23 January – 1 February. The members will agree upon the agenda for the World Health Assembly and the resolutions to be considered by the Health Assembly.

High Level Ministerial Meeting ComHeeg (Geneva)

14 December, 2016 to 15 December, 2016

Providing Education to Refugee Children from Conflict Areas in the Middle East - Fast track to Equal Opportunities and Integration (Sweden)

21 November, 2016 to 22 November, 2016

On 21-22 November, PSI will be participating in a Conference organised by Education International (EI) in Stockholm, Sweden, on Providing Education to Refugee Children from Conflict Areas in the Middle East - Fast track to Equal Opportunities and Integration.

Norwegian Public Sector Trade Union (acronym = Delta) Congress

28 November, 2016 to 1 December, 2016

Tuesday 29th November

10h00-11h00: “Where are Norwegian labour life going?”- speak by Norwegian Prime minister, Mrs. Erna Solberg

11h00-12h00: “The Norwegian labour life model- the social dialogue, tripartite cooperation and bipartite relations- in the future. What will happen?

Scandinavian Welfare Conference

14 November, 2016 to 15 November, 2016

PSI's General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli will be a guest speaker on a panel on the opening morning.

EPSU Executive Committee Brussels

8 November, 2016 to 9 November, 2016

PSI at the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights

24 October, 2016 to 28 October, 2016

From 24 to 28 October 2016, Public Services International, together with Governments, regional and political groups, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, NGOs and many other relevant stakeholders, will be participating in the 2nd public meetings of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (OEIWG), which could lead to the adoption of an international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations (TNCs or MNEs).