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Young workers and trade union organising campaign

07 April 2014
Participants at meeting

The future of trade unions depends on organising young workers. Unions must address the interests and concerns of these workers by strengthening young workers' networks. PSI Southeast Asia and the Philippines young workers' network jointly organised a one-day workshop on "young workers and trade union organising" in Manila, Philippines on 13 March 2014.

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

02 April 2014

PSI is currently undertaking further research on the effects of the TISA on our sectors. PSI will be working with civil society and other allies to oppose the harmful effects of the TISA.

Social protection floors

30 March 2014

Today, as much as 80 per cent of the global population does not have access to social protection and lives in social insecurity, facing complete loss of income when a personal or national economic crisis strikes. Social Protection was pushed to the fore of the international agenda after the obvious damage due to the financial and economic crises, and a 2012 ILO Recommendation operationalizes Social Protection Floors as two-pronged, providing universal access to essential health care and basic income security in the case of maternity, for children and when people are sick, unemployed, disabled, and old. Read more>>>

Public Utilities Board Employees' Union (PUBEU)

Asia Pacific (AP)
AP: South East Asia

Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers' Union (SURAWU)

Asia Pacific (AP)
AP: South East Asia

Housing and Development Board Staff Union (HDBSU)

Asia Pacific (AP)
AP: South East Asia

Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE)

Asia Pacific (AP)
AP: South East Asia

Nurses' Forum

20 January 2014

Education support and cultural workers

15 January 2014

Public Services International affiliates represent hundreds of thousands of educational support workers throughout the world, many of who work without job security, fair compensation and benefits, or recognition that their services are vital to ensuring high quality public education for all citizens. The jobs of support workers are on the frontlines of the privatization and casualization struggle within the education sector, and many of these workers face challenges in pursuing their basic freedom to form a union and collectively bargain their terms and conditions of service. More information

Public Services International (PSI) Asia Pacific region and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Regional Cooperation office (Singapore), jointly held a Forum on Pension and Social Security for the affiliate unions on 14-15 December 2013 in Singapore.

Photos: PSI/FES Forum on Pension and Social Security

08 January 2014

Public Services International (PSI) Asia Pacific region and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Regional Cooperation office (Singapore), jointly held a Forum on Pension and Social Security for the affiliate unions on 14-15 December 2013 in Singapore.