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26 July 2018

Stay tuned for more!

End the patriarchy of the state in order to provide public services that change gender relations

28 June 2018

Verónica Montúfar, Gender Equality Officer for Public Services International (PSI), analyses a recent case study (Peru) on the impact of tax evasion and avoidance on public services provided to women and girls 2006-2016 and its contribution to the discussion on gender within this global union federation.

Tax evasion and avoidance hinders efforts to improve the lives of women and girls in Peru, says a PSI report

28 June 2018

A report launched on Public Service Day, 23 June, concludes it would have been possible to double the budget allocated to social services with the amount lost to tax evasion and avoidance in Peru between 2006 and 2016. This would have increased the chances of improving the quality of life and development options for women and girls.

Tax Justice Network’s annual conference (Lima)

13 June, 2018 to 14 June, 2018

The Tax Justice Network’s annual conference "Paradise lost? Inequality and tax injustice" is taking place this Wednesday 13 June to Thursday 14 June in Lima, Peru. The conference, jointly hosted with FES and Latindadd, brings together campaigners, researchers, policy makers and tax experts from across the world to share the inspiring and vital work they are doing on tax justice.

PSI Constitutional Meetings

27 February 2017

Achieving pay equity in Peru’s public water industry

02 November 2015

Over the last two years, PSI has implemented a pilot project of gender neutral job evaluation and the construction of a map of health security risks in EPSEL, the public water enterprise of Lambayeque in the city of Chiclayo in the north of Peru.

Peruvian federal universities oppose government efforts to ban collective bargaining

19 October 2015

The National Federation of the Universities of Peru (FENTUP) - continues to struggle against the attempts of the national government, to eliminate collective bargaining.

Climate change: Towards and Beyond COP21

08 October 2015

The solutions to the climate challenge require a substantive transformation of the current socio-economic development paradigm, including industrial change. This is not just about some technical changes to energy production or transport systems. What is required is a redefinition of the predominant model of production and consumption. We must give back to the state and public services their role in supporting our communities, and ensure that workers and trade unions are able to participate fully in all steps of this process.

In Peru, thousands of workers join a national strike against Humala’s neoliberal reforms

16 July 2015
Foto: Jorge Villa García/CNC-ISP

The General Confederation of Workers (CGTP) called a day of protest for 9 July in support of a series of demands including an increase in the minimum wage, the eradication of corruption and improved public security.