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AFRECON 2014: Peters Adeyemi

Video: Peters Adeyemi - welcome to AFRECON

13 May 2014

AFRECON 2014: Peters Adeyemi

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

09 April 2014

International trade agreements such as the TPP are currently being fast-tracked and negotiated in secrecy. These agreements undermine local and national government decision-making power and increase corporate access to public services resulting in the privatization of critical public services. PSI is working with global union federations, affiliated unions, and civil society allies who oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) being negotiated in the Asia Pacific Region.

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

02 April 2014

PSI is currently undertaking further research on the effects of the TISA on our sectors. PSI will be working with civil society and other allies to oppose the harmful effects of the TISA.

Social protection floors

30 March 2014

Today, as much as 80 per cent of the global population does not have access to social protection and lives in social insecurity, facing complete loss of income when a personal or national economic crisis strikes. Social Protection was pushed to the fore of the international agenda after the obvious damage due to the financial and economic crises, and a 2012 ILO Recommendation operationalizes Social Protection Floors as two-pronged, providing universal access to essential health care and basic income security in the case of maternity, for children and when people are sick, unemployed, disabled, and old. Read more>>>

PSI Africa energy sector union network meets

24 March 2014

Energy trade union representatives from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda met in Kigali, Rwanda, on 5-6 March for a workshop of the PSI Africa energy sector union network.

Almost 30 participants discussed the energy situation in their countries, and emphasized the obligation for all governments to provide electricity to all their citizens, especially in Africa.

Nigeria Union of Civil Service Secretarial and Stenographical Workers (NUCSSASW)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

Agricultural and Allied Employees' Union of Nigeria (AAEUN)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

National Union of Electricity Employees of Nigeria (NUEE)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

Non-Academic Staff Union of Education and Associated Institutions (NASU)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa