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Local government officers and members of the CFDT Interco trade union embark on a ground-breaking initiative to promote responsible public procurement in the Bordeaux Metropolitan Region

13 June 2019
Representatives of the CFDT Interco trade union teams, all local government officers involved in projects to promote sustainable public procurement (Bordeaux, Dijon, Paris), attended a conference on the union’s role in this issue, Bourse du Travail, Paris 12 March 2019.

Since the end of 2016, local government officers and members of the CFDT Interco 33 trade union branch at the Bordeaux Metropolitan Region Local Authority [1] have been working on a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the social and environmental impact of public procurement with the aim of promoting sustainability and contributing directly to the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

France: Let's talk about staffing again

24 March 2019
Paramedics and healthcare staff

French union CFDT Santé Sociaux (health and social services) decided to continue with the survey on staffing for paramedics and healthcare staff it initiated in 2017. General Secretary Eve Rescanières explains that this annual barometer is part of the roadmap that the federation has set itself in terms of investment in European bodies and international trade union involvement.

EDF unions and management have training on implementing human and labour rights

27 February 2019

Eight months on from the signature of the renewal of the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) of EDF Group, over 25 trade union and management representatives came together on 19-20 February at the ILO International Training Centre in Turin to hone their skills to enable its implementation.

France: What care model do we want for the elderly?

12 December 2018

In France, EHPADs are residential establishments for elderly dependent people, sometimes known as a retirement home. EHPADs house elderly people over the age of 60 who have lost some physical and/or mental faculties and are no longer able to live at home. There are 7,200 EHPADs and 10,000 home care services in France. They house or provide support for 1.4 million elderly people and employ more than 700,000 workers.


26 July 2018

Stay tuned for more!

Renegotiated Global Framework Agreement with EDF Group enters into force

25 June 2018

On 19 June, national trade union federations representing a majority of EDF Group workers affiliated to PSI and IndustriAll completed the signature of the renewed Global Framework Agreement on Corporate Social Responsibility with EDF Group, which entered in full force as of 21 June for a 4-year term.

Fighting for public services in the public interest

15 May 2018

What is at stake is not just protecting public companies in services deteriorating due to the current private sector management policies, but loudly demanding the refoundation of quality public service in the public interest, explains Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary.

Strike in France: In Defence of Quality Elderly Care

01 February 2018

Social workers delivering home care, including in Housing Facilities for the Dependent Elderly (EHPAD) across France embarked on a 1-day strike on 30 January. This was to draw attention to several pressing problems confronting elderly care, which the authorities have failed to address.

PSI addresses the 33rd Federal Congress of CFDT Santé Sociaux

29 November 2017
Baba Aye gives his speech at the CFDT Santé Sociaux congress in Vannes

The 33rd Federal Congress of the French health sector affiliate, CFDT Santé Sociaux, was held on 21-24 November 2017 at Vannes, in the North-West of the country. It was a moment for deliberation between the leadership and militants of the union towards building stronger union and its perspective that health workers constitute invaluable assets for the delivery of quality health care services.

Let's talk about staffing

02 June 2017
Logo: CFDT Santé Sociaux

In March, PSI affiliate CFDT, France, held a week-long survey on staffing. The union received 2,587 responses to the survey; the level of results shows that French health care staff are keen to have their voices heard.