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Africa and Arab countries

Right to Health - Issue 05

10 January 2019

Get the latest global news on health and social care services. People over Profit! #PublicHealth4All. Right to Health newsletter Issue 05/2018.

Annual report 2017

1 Dec 2018

2017 marked the end of the 2012 congress mandate and a significant period of challenge for PSI affiliates and rebuilding for PSI. PSI’s 2017 Congress endorsed the comprehensive Programme of Action (PoA), a wide range of affiliates’ resolutions and a revised constitution. Together, these texts identify the major challenges for public service workers and their unions; they set out the position of PSI in relation to these challenges and approve a wide range of actions that build on the mandate and work of the previous five years.

Regional Strategy and AFRECON preparations meeting (Togo)

15 January, 2019 to 16 January, 2019

Migration is here to stay, funding public services is vital to address it

20 December 2018
George de Moussa - Lebanon

In an Op-ed published around the world, Geneviève Gencianos, PSI Migration Programme Coordinator, writes about public service workers who are at the frontline providing basic services to migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. It is through public services that we can fight inequality and build resilient and inclusive societies.

International Migrants Day - 18 December

18 December 2018

“In the face of conflict and climate related migration, we uphold the human right to quality public services in welcoming migrants and supporting inclusive and resilient communities.”

PSI joins civil society in welcoming the UN Global Compact on Refugees

18 December 2018

17 December 2018 marks the approval by the UN General Assembly of the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). A result of a series of thematic discussions and formal consultations conducted by the UNHCR from 2017 through 2018, the GCR aims to strengthen the international response to large movements of refugees and protracted refugee situations.

Quality Public Health for All: Time for Action

12 December 2018

12 December has been marked as Universal Health Coverage day, for some years now by UHC 2030 a multi-stakeholder partnership.

Fighting for a People’s National Health Insurance in South Africa

12 December 2018

On 29-30 August 2018, the PSI Southern African Sub-regional Office hosted a Conference entitled “Towards a People’s National Health Insurance”. The conference was an initiative of PSI Young Workers, and brought together approximately 27 trade unions, civil society organisations and progressive academics to debate and wrestle with the National Health Insurance (NHI).

PSI welcomes the adoption of the UN Global Compact on Migration

12 December 2018

Led by PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli, PSI came to Marrakesh with a 45-member strong trade union delegation. In addition to participating in the Adoption Conference, PSI organised a Strategy workshop and participated in the civil society days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, the Peoples Global Action and in the Global Unions Forum on Migration. On the eve of the Adoption Conference, PSI also organized a side event to promote a Stakeholders' Dialogue on Health Worker Migration and the Global Skills Partnerships, with the support of EPSU, WHO, FES and the German Federal Government.

Advancing Women's Human Rights through Gender Responsive Public Services

12 Dec 2018

This Expert paper by PSI proposes that the UNCSW adopt the framework of Gender Responsive Quality Public Services (GRQPS) and in doing so address the primary barriers to the delivery of GRQPS and the enablers of GRQPS and women’s human rights, including labour rights of those workers who are strategic in front line-public services.