20 May 2013
Ninety affiliate leaders of Public Services International, headed by 36 Executive Board titular members, met 16-17 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss issues facing public service workers and to adopt PSI action priorities for 2013 and beyond. Highlights from this meeting are outlined below.
- Angered by increasing attacks on the rights of public service workers and use of the economic crisis as an excuse to attack public services and public service workers’ trade union rights;
- Alarmed at the rising inequality in all parts of the globe and the shameless increase of wealth of the very rich while working people pay the price;
- And unwilling to accept the drastic rise in unemployment in many countries, especially the harmful effects on young unemployed people;
PSI affiliates are:
- United in our commitment to build the collective power of public service workers to defend public services and address inequality;
- United in working with our communities to advance quality public services for the common good;
- And united in making every effort to ensure that the democratic rights of public service workers are respected.
Further to the 2013-2017 Programme of Action “Social Justice through Quality Public Services and Trade Union Rights,” the core resolution endorsed by PSI affiliates at the recent World Congress – defending trade union rights and promoting quality public services are affirmed as central to every PSI activity.
- Events such as the “Global Route of Shame” bicycle ride to highlight national trade union rights abuses during the International Labour Conference (ILC) 2013 will continue and be expanded -
- As will our world class research highlighting the benefits of quality public services.
Endorsed specific actions:
- Focus on growth, organising, and building union strength in all that we do
- Engage with affiliates in tax justice campaigns at local, national and international levels
- Fight unfair trade deals that weaken public services, public procurement and workers’ rights
- Fight corruption in public services
- Advance the campaign to end violence against women
- Strengthen sectoral activities and coordination
- Defend public service workers’ trade union rights
In conclusion, we are:
- Reminded that PSI is the embodiment of our unions and members;
- Committed to building a bigger, stronger and more visible PSI;
- And united in working for the alternative to neo-liberal austerity policies, which includes fighting for quality public services and advancing public services trade unions rights all around the world.