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The UNCSW provides a unique opportunity for coalition-building with other trade unions and progressive organizations, and for influencing global policies on gender equality. In 2019, the main theme of the UNCSW will be “Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls”. This is an important opportunity for the trade union movement to make our demands visible, to influence this global body and to strengthen and consolidate our alliances with major civil society organizations (CSO’s). We need to coordinate actions at the national, regional and global levels, and ensure our key priorities are included in the outcome document of UNCSW63 (commonly referred to as the ‘Agreed Conclusions’).
In the context of this year’s priority theme, PSI, the ITUC and the Global Unions Federations are calling for gender responsive public social protection systems, quality public services and sustainable infrastructure. The Global Unions have jointly prepared and submitted a Statement to the UNCSW63: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality
Trade union delegates will receive further updates on the UNCSW63 preparations in due course. Follow the trade union delegation's activities on our Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube.
Further information will soon be available on:
PSI is an accredited organisation for this Commission. We encourage the participation of women, young and LGBTI workers from our affiliated unions. We also welcome men as members of our delegation, in conformity with our gender mainstreaming policy. Although a large part of our activities will take place during the first week, we are seeking to ensure representation throughout the entire UNCSW63, with delegates attending the entire event and others attending only part of it.
Please note that practically all the official side meetings and parallel meetings during the UNCSW are in English without interpretation provided, while only the official sessions provide interpretation in all UN languages but allow for very limited interaction. We therefore encourage delegates with at least basic knowledge of English to register.
The United Nations limits the number of delegates to 20 people per organisation. PSI will register representatives in order to ensure adequate regional representation.
The registration process for UNCSW63 will follow the same procedure as last year to ensure a better preparation and coordination with other union and partner organizations. PSI will prepare its list of participants by 7th December 2018. We expect delegates to take an active part in the preparative events at national and international level.
We therefore request you to send us the name(s) and contact details of your representatives by 23rd November 2018 at the latest.
Please fill in the participation form and send it back by email to
There is no registration fee. However, all costs pertaining to participation in the UNCSW63 are to be covered by your organisation.
For those of you who have the possibility, another option for participation is to approach your government, requesting that a trade union representative be part of the government delegation. Please inform us if a trade union representative will be part of your government delegation and provide us with the person contact details using the email address mentioned in the above paragraph.