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Declaração de solidariedade com a caravana de migrantes da América Central

13 December 2018

Exigimos que a questão da migração na região seja tratada como uma questão urgente de dignidade humana, e não com patrulhas e exércitos de fronteira. Tal situação exige a formulação de políticas e acordos para proteger os direitos dos migrantes e que facilitem a livre circulação de todas as pessoas. Ninguém é ilegal!

PT: Migration

15 February 2016

Translate into PT: In many countries, skilled health and social care workers feel they must leave their families behind and work abroad to earn a decent income. They brave exploitation and discrimination. And their departure weakens health and social services in their home community. PSI works with unions worldwide to protect migrant workers and to improve the quality of health and social services. Read more


02 September 2015

In North, Central and South America and the Caribbean, 140 labor organizations in 35 countries are affiliated to PSI, with a total membership of about 3.3 million workers. The regional office is currently based in São Paulo, Brazil. Contact the regional offices.

Migration and women health workers - PDK

4 May 2009

Public Services International (PSI) and its affiliated unions have prepared this kit to provide basic information on the facts, realities and issues concerning migration in the health sector. It is designed to help potential migrant health workers make an informed choice and to support unions that wish to assist health workers in making the right decisions.