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There are both challenges and opportunities for PSI affiliates in participating in genuine consultations and dialogue with regional inter-governmental institutions such as the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Organisation of American States (OAS), MERCOSUR (Mercado Común del Sur) the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and other (sub) regional groupings.

The regional arms of United Nations organisations are also important points of contact, especially in relation to sectoral and crosscutting issues such as health (PAHO), women, (UN WOMEN), sustainable development (UNDP), the environment (UNEP) and other regional arms of UN organisations. A key global governance issue that deserves our full attention is that of free trade agreements. Increasingly, these agreements are attacks on public services and labour rights. PSI opposes loans that directly or indirectly destroy public services. Quality public services for all provide the important building blocks for countries to build and maintain fair and sustainable societies.

PSI Americas will:

  • coordinate efforts, activities and campaigns to strengthen our affiliates’ capacity to participate in consultations with regional governance organisations;
  • coordinate and organise actions to establish labour protection safeguards in loan agreements from the World Bank and IADB; always fighting against privatization arrangements and struggling for the defense of quality public services;
  • assist affiliates in building a strategy, developing and delivering key messages at the national, sub-regional and regional levels in the ILO and , regional governance institutions.

Regional integration

The regional integration movements (MERCOSUR, CARICOM, UNASUR and others) are all part of the regional governance network and deserve the attention from PSI affiliates. Their participatory forums should include the participation, whenever it is possible, of our affiliates, who should constantly evaluate the usefulness of these forums in the defense of public services and union rights. Regional integration is seen as key to the development as it is seen as a clear strategy identified by many governments, especially in the South, to foster development. We also recall that PSI represents the workers of these international institutions.

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