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PSI leader Rosa Pavanelli told the crowd gathered at the Place des Nations that “It is no longer enough to expose the abuses of workers’ rights through the cases being heard inside the buildings of the ILO conference, but we must also strongly show to people and our communities outside how workers’ rights are being violated in many places in the world.”
As bicycle bells rang and the Botswanan delegation sang, speakers from Turkey, Egypt, Russia, South Korea, Guatemala and Greece shared their stories and delivered protest letters to the national missions along the route in Geneva.
On 12th June, PSI affiliates organized similar events in Lima, Caracas, Buenos Aires, Quito and Bogota. International solidarity makes us stronger and unites PSI!
Photos of The Route of Shame in Interamerica (Facebook) or on Flickr:
Video of the day of action in Argentina (in Spanish)
Interamérica: Jornada de Acción ¡Por la justicia social y los derechos laborales!
PSI union affiliates in South Korea, Australia and elsewhere say they are inspired to plan similar events next year in their countries. Let’s make this event even bigger next June!