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The 29th World Congress of Public Services International (PSI),
meeting in Durban, South Africa, on 27-30 November 2012
NOTING that the Mexican Federal District Government Workers’ Union (Sindicato Único de Trabajadores del Gobierno del Distrito Federal de la República de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos)has spoken out internationally against approval of the draft labour reform bill in this country, put forward in March 2011, which will seriously curtail the labour rights of millions of workers and, consequently, the well-being of their families.
CONCERNED that a balanced labour market is no longer felt to be important and that informality and chronically high unemployment are deemed acceptable. Flexibility to cope with production demands has also changed the nature of employment and labour relations. As a result, there has been an increase in precarious work, temporary contracts and subcontracting of public services; which is why it is no surprise that workers migrate in search of work.
REGRETS that these so-called reforms, as applied in other countries, have deregulated and flexibilised labour standards, making it cheaper to dismiss workers, make wages precarious, increase taxes, eliminate formal work and dismantle pension schemes and social security systems.
RECOGNISES that the scope and pace of technical change has had a radical influence in all sectors of the economy and in all regions of the world, changing the world of work and the companies themselves. However, outsourcing only serves to increase controls on labour, reduce pay and increase the number of dismissals.
SUPPORTS compliance with the provisions of the Mexican Constitution, mainly the precepts contained in articles 1, 5 and 123, in both sections, which have not been complied with from the start. If this new reform is approved, it will threaten the labour and social rights of all workers. Guarantees will be lost and ILO conventions, ratified by Mexico, will be breached. We agree that some adjustments are necessary, but only if they improve the situation and not if they harm the workers.
ASKS all affiliates to SUPPORT the actions that PSI affiliates are taking in Mexico and provide resounding international support to prevent approval of the proposal for labour reform in Mexico.
See all Congress resolutions including the Program of Action and the Constitution.