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Nevertheless, the attacks that Canadian workers face in the exercise of their collective bargaining rights are threatening to undermine the achievements made.
This year, Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) submitted comments on the implementation of ILO Convention 100 to the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, as it applies to the federal government of Canada. This is one example of using ILO’s Supervisory Mechanism to pressure governments and increase international pressure for the defense of collective bargaining and equality at work.
In Canada, pay equity has been a human right since 1977, protected in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Despite this protection, the fight to secure and enforce pay equity remains an ongoing battle for Canadian women and their unions. PSAC has been at the forefront of this fight since 1977 and remains so today.
However, recent issues of concern to the trade union movement include:
Canadian trade unions continue to fight for pay equity in face of these hurdles.