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PSI at the United Nations High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (HLD)

The United Nations General Assembly will hold a High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (UN HLD) on 3-4 October 2013 at the UN Headquarters in New York. The objective of this UN HLD is to “identify concrete measures to strengthen coherence and cooperation at all levels, with a view to enhancing the benefits of international migration for migrants and countries alike and its important links to development, while reducing its negative implications” (UN General Assembly Resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1, 12 December 2012).

Migration and Development: A Decent Work Issue

24 September 2013

This panel event parallel to the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development will take place on 2 October 2013 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm in Conference Room 6, North Lawn Building, UNHQ, New York

Access and Portability of Social Protection for Migrant Workers

23 September 2013

The PSI workshop on Access and Portability of Social Protection for Migrant Workers is taking place on Thursday 3rd October from 1.30pm – 3.00pm

Power, people, communities: Building bridges for migrant, labour, & human rights

23 September 2013

Flyer on the rally and march taking place on Wednesday 2 October 2013 across the Brooklyn bridge.

International Youth Day 2013

12 August 2013

Public Services International (PSI) joins in celebrating the International Youth Day 2013, "Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward".

PSI members speak out at the UN Hearings on Migration and Development

19 July 2013

Public Services International joined the delegation of the Global Unions in the UN Civil Society Hearings on Migration and Development held 15 July 2013 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The hearings were part of the lead-up process to the UN General Assembly High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development that will take place 3-4 October 2013 in New York.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

21 March 2013

Quality public services key to promoting equality in our workplaces and societies

On the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 21 March 2013, Rosa Pavanelli, leader of the global union federation Public Services International affirms that PSI and its members “renew our commitment to end discrimination and defend equality in our workplaces and our communities.”

PSI Congress Resolutions

12 March 2013

Resolutions adopted at the 29th World Congress of Public Services International, held in Durban, South Africa, 27-30 November 2012. The resolutions are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Japanese and Russian.