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In recent years, PSI’s capacity to organise and coordinate trade union sectors has grown enormously, and it has created many opportunities to strengthen the struggles in each of them. On the one hand, PSI has strengthened organisations, such as ULATOC (Public Control Organisations), CLTPJ (Judiciary) and CONTUA (University Administrative).

On the other, it has fostered regional confederations such as CONTAGUAS (Water) and CONTRAMA (Municipal workers). For some sectors, such as education support/health/social services and electricity, we have not yet managed to define an organisational model, while in others, such as Central Administration, we are working in the form of a network. In nearly all cases, the trade unions of Latin America have started to come together, probably facilitated by geography and language. In all of them, however, there is a will to extend this model of regional and world organisation. However, we have yet to advance in organising education support services, legislative, police and customs personnel, with whom we started to work in the last period.

We must continue working with each sector, supporting them in their needs, to the extent of PSI’s means and structure, always prioritising opportunities for growth. It is also important that sectoral networks take into consideration the existing realities, structures and arrangements in PSI’s national and regional coordinating bodies. The continued exchange of information and experiences will develop the sectoral networks and will add to PSI’s strength and influence. Collective bargaining in each sector will be a priority.

Each sector, through its internal discussions, should at each moment decide its priority actions and how to implement them, and designate those responsible. Accordingly, the general plan will serve as a matrix for the sector, steering in a single direction for all working men and women under a regional and world framework. This will be the strength of PSI and its affiliates to ADVANCE TRADE UNION RIGHTS IN THE STRUGGLE FOR QUALITY SERVICES UNDER PUBLIC CONTROL.

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