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PSI representatives are ready to work on country cases in the Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS). The CAS is a standing committee of the International Labour Conference (ILC), which meets every year to examine a list of countries in terms of their application of core and/or ratified Conventions.
Trade unions from all over the world, as well as Global Union Federations, like Public Services International take an active part in these proceedings. Decisions by the Committee have high standing and guide reforms by governments. They also inform parties to trade agreements which have labour clauses, as has been the case of Guatemala in relation to CAFTA. For the last 3 years, the CAS had been perturbed by a conflict between employers and trade unions on the right to strike. In March 2015 a temporary agreement was reached that will allow the CAS to function properly this year and hopefully reach joint conclusions.
We will be working on Bolivia (C138 - Child Labour), Cambodia (C182 - Worst Forms of Child Labour), Cameroun (C182 - Worst Forms of Child Labour), Eritrea (C29 - Forced Labour), Venezuela (C87 - Freedom of Association), Albania (182), Algeria (C87 - Freedom of Association), Bangladesh (C87 - Freedom of Associat), Belarus (C87 - Freedom of Association), El Salvador (C87 - Freedom of Association), Spain (C122 - Employment Policy Convention), Guatemala (C87 - Freedom of Association), Honduras (C87 - Freedom of Association), India (C81 - Labour Inspection), Italy (C122 - Employment Policy Convention), Kazachstan (87), Maurice (C98 - Collective Bargaining), Mauretania (C29 - Forced Labour), Mexico (C87 - Freedom of Association), Phillipines (C176 - Safety and Health in Mines), Qatar (C29 - Forced Labour), Korea (111 - Discrimination ), Swaziland (87 - Freedom of Association) and Turkey (C155 - Occupational Safety and Health).
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