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High level meetings ITUC/Global Unions and World Bank/IMF

10 February, 2015 to 12 February, 2015
09.00 - 17.00
IFC Auditorium, Washington, USA
Event type: 

The meetings will address topics of concern to trade unions and will include serious discussions on the policies of the World Bank and IMF in a variety of areas, including:

  • The IMF’s approach to labour market issues;
  • The need for a stronger job focus in IFI programmes;
  • Labour standards safeguard for World Bank projects;
  • World Bank’s Doing Business Indicators;
  • IFIs’ participation in the Social Protection Floor Initiative;
  • The IFIs’ work on climate change, mitigation and transition strategies;
  • World Bank strategies for private investment in health and education.

Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. 

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