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PSI Head Office and affiliates from: Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chad, France, Germany, Greece, Mali, Nigeria, Palestine, and Senegal, will be participating in the global conference.
The conference is organised by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and World Solidarity. It will bring together trade unions, civil society organisations, international organisations and academics.
During the two days, participants will reflect on: identifying the costs of social protection reform; possible sources of financing on the national level, and; international financing possibilities.
In the final session of the conference, the trade union movement will define a common agenda on social protection which will link tax justice campaign work with advocacy for universal social protection.
There will be two side events on the second day:
Towards the conference, PSI has issued a brief, which calls for social protection financing to be rooted in an anti-austerity and human rights-based approach.
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