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08 January 2014

PSI is working towards achieving Quality Public Services and Decent Work for all workers through intervention and influencing global policies. Pension and social security is integral in the context of QPS and Decent work. We believe that all workers in all services must have access to pension schemes enabling them to
retire from work and receive an income adequate for their needs.

The struggle for local government autonomy in Nigeria

07 October 2013

Ibrahim Khaleel from the Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) was a member of the Public Services International delegation at the World Summit of the Local and Regional Leaders in Rabat, Morocco, from 1-4 October 2013.


26 September 2013

Corruption is one of the sicknesses of our society. PSI believes that one of the best alternatives to austerity and cuts to public spending is to seriously fight against corruption. We also link this new PSI campaign against corruption to the fight for global tax justice.

No Trade in Public Services

31 July 2013

The recent wave of trade agreements are direct threats to the provision of Quality Public Services. These new agreements encourage privatisation, restrict governments’ ability to regulate in the public interest and create new and powerful rights for large multinational corporations. They are also a threat to democracy and accountability of government. They are being negotiated in secret, without proper consultation and will bind future governments, often regardless of the decisions of national elections, parliaments and courts. PSI urges all affiliates to understand the implications and join our allies to oppose the harmful effects of these agreements.

Speech by PSI General Secretary in Nigeria

5 Jul 2013

Speech given by Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary, during her official visit to Nigeria on 2-5 July 2013.

LGBT Workers

06 June 2013

PSI is committed to equality for all irrespective of sex, marital status, ethnic origin, national identity, disability, sexual orientation, age or religion, at the workplace, in trade unions and in the broader political, social, economic and cultural context. LGBT workers’ rights are trade union rights, and trade union rights are human rights. Trade unions are committed to fight against discrimination and for an inclusive non-violent society.

PSI at the International Labour Conference (ILC)

14 May 2013

The 107th Session of the International Labour Conference will be held at the Palais des Nations and the ILO headquarters, in Geneva, from 28 May to 8 June 2018. PSI will be working in close cooperation with its affiliates and the Workers’ Group at the ILC to make the voices of public sector workers heard!

Letter to Nigerian President concerning energy sector

02 May 2013
Nigerian trade unionists demonstrate against government plans

PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli has written to Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan to warn of the inevitable disaster of electricity sector privatisation and the minimum requirements to respect collective agreements and all transition arrangements.

Nigeria: Women health workers murdered in Kano province

26 February 2013

Public Services International is shocked and concerned by the murder of ten women health workers in Kano, Nigeria. The women were members of the Medical Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria, a PSI affiliate. They were working in the National Immunization Programme aimed at eradicating polio in the country.