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Congress Fundraising Appeal

04 October 2017

PSI Congress is a once in five-year opportunity to make trade union and political contacts, debate policy and inspire action. An exciting part of this experience is the cultural programme designed to complement the political agenda. For the first time, PSI is offering unions the opportunity to be publicly recognized for their support for this important programme.

Double standards: How the UK promotes rip-off health PPPs abroad

2 Oct 2017

The Jubilee Debt Campaign has released a new report: ‘Double standards: How the UK promotes rip-off health PPPs abroad’ (24 pages, with a 4 page executive summary). PSI and its affiliates has substantially contributed to the content of the report.

Women municipal workers in Brazil and the Southern Cone meet to bridge gender gap in the sector

26 September 2017

For the first time since the launch of the PSI Confederation of Municipal Workers’ Unions of the Americas (CONTRAM-PSI), more than 60 municipal sector trade unionists met in Asuncion, Paraguay, on 7 September, to discuss the labour and trade union situation of women workers in the sector.

Colombia: trade union leader faces arbitrary sanction

PSI is calling on all affiliates to join the LabourStart campaign in support of Carlos E. Castañeda Ravelo who is facing a new arbitrary sanction for exercising the right to freedom of association.

Hurricanes Irma and Maria: appeal for donations

PSI is calling on its affiliates to support the call for donations to the PSI Aid Fund to help our sisters and brothers in the Caribbean. Your donations will assist our affiliates in contributing to early recovery efforts as well as in rehabilitation and re-building. PSI will work with affiliates to build their capacity to influence policies and actions related to the re-building efforts, protecting the rights of workers, promoting people-centered development and advocating for quality public services that support just and equitable societies.

Open letter to UN-HABITAT

18 September 2017

Civil society organisations, trade unions, public water operators together with International Steering committee members of GWOPA jointly send the open letter to the Executive Director of UN-HABITAT concerning the recent attempt to undermine GWOPA's core purpose, origin and history.

Hurricane Irma wreaks havoc, devastates countries in the Caribbean: Hurricane Jose follows

08 September 2017

PSI's General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli has expressed her condolences on the loss of life in the Caribbean following the passage of Hurricane Irma, and her sadness at the devastation wrought throughout the northern Caribbean by the Hurricane.

Massive Open Online Course on Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy

07 September 2017

The Global Labour University Online Academy on https://glu.iversity.org/ is pioneering cross-country online education for trade unionists, researchers and experts from the world of work. This course on Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy offers global networking, theory and practical skills for trade unionists on the economics of wages, collective bargaining, minimum wages and strategies to achieve fair wages.

Right to Health - Issue 03 (July/August 2017)

06 September 2017
Get the latest global news on health and social care services. People over Profit! #PublicHealth4All. Right to Health newsletter Issue 03/2017.

Decent work is the foundation for a just and sustainable society

05 September 2017

In a recent article in a major daily newspaper in Jamaica, O’Neil Grant, president of PSI affiliate, the Jamaica Civil Service Association (JCSA) painted a picture that has many duplicates across the Caribbean. Precarious work is becoming more of a norm than an exception in all sectors of work.