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Castries Declaration on Debt Sustainability and Financing for Development

09 July 2018

PSI affiliates in the Caribbean sub-region adopted a joint statement on Debt Sustainability and Financing for Development in Castries, St Lucia on 5 July.

Urgent action and accountability for the 2030 Agenda: now or never

PSI has signed on to the civil society statement in response to the Secretary-General's SDG progress report and the Ministerial Declaration zero draft ahead of the 2018 UN High Level Political Forum.

Bargaining for the Common Good in the World of Global Finance (New York)

16 July, 2018

A discussion of what trade unions should know about options within the multilateral system - This one-day strategy session – taking place on the sidelines of the UN HLPF - will bring experts in financial regulation and corporate governance from academia and the UN system together with representatives from trade unions and CSOs.

Partnership or Business Case? Private Sector and the SDGs (New York)

13 July, 2018

This side event to the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, co-sponsored by PSI, will discuss the activities and strategies of private sector actors towards the SDG implementation. Does private sector involvement lead to more sustainability, the implementation of the SDGs and positively affect business models and behavior in the long run – or not?

Conversation with the authors of Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018 (New York)

12 July, 2018

The authors of the Spotlight Report 2018 Exploring new policy pathways: How to overcome obstacles and contradictions in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda will present key findings and recommendations to participants for discussion.

Solidarity mission to Venezuela

6 August, 2018 to 8 August, 2018

AFT Convention 2018 (Pittsburgh, PA)

13 July, 2018 to 16 July, 2018

The American Federation of Teachers' (AFT) 85th convention will convene in at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA from 13-16 July. The biennial AFT convention is the most important policy making body of the federation. PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli will be attending.

Tax Justice for finance a public service that transforms gender relations

29 June 2018

Regional Meeting on Tax Justice and Gender gathered for two days in Buenos Aires almost 60 trade unionists to discuss how the trade union movement must address the inequalities produced by the tax policies in our continent.

Debt Sustainability and Financing for Development in the Caribbean (St Lucia)

3 July, 2018

The "Debt sustainability and financing for development in the Caribbean" workshop will take place on 3 July in Castries, St Lucia. Affiliates will examine case studies and provide information on the experiences in some countries and learn more about the on-going work of our potential coalition partners.

End the patriarchy of the state in order to provide public services that change gender relations

28 June 2018

Verónica Montúfar, Gender Equality Officer for Public Services International (PSI), analyses a recent case study (Peru) on the impact of tax evasion and avoidance on public services provided to women and girls 2006-2016 and its contribution to the discussion on gender within this global union federation.