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IMF Critical of UK Privatisation?

11 October 2018

A new IMF study concludes that Britain’s underlying public finances are among the worst in the world, thanks to the cost of bailing out the banks after the financial crisis and because “the UK has done more to sell off public assets and consequently reduce the possible income from assets that could offset demands on the public purse” says The Guardian.

EPSU Executive Committee (Brussels)

6 November, 2018 to 7 November, 2018

Climate IPCC Report 2018 - PSI Reaction

11 October 2018

PSI welcomes the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on global warming released on 8 October 2018. 

Report exposes how PPPs across the world drain the public purse, and fail to deliver in the public interest

08 October 2018

Experts call for World Bank Group to end aggressive promotion of PPPs for public service provision. A new report exposing how public private partnerships across the globe have drained the public purse and failed to deliver in the public interest will be launched at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank in Bali next week.

Decent Work’s 10th anniversary – JUST DO IT!

06 October 2018

On 7 October 2018 we “celebrate” the 10th anniversary of the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW): 10 years that unions across the world have been fighting to place decent work at the centre of government policies, to bring back economic growth that puts people first – people over profit.

Quality Revolution in Health Care; Fundamental for Achieving SDGs

27 September 2018

The report of the Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems in the SDG era (HQSS) shows quite clearly that the universal health coverage strategy is not sufficient to improve health in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Provision of good-quality health care is essential for the attainment of sustained improvement in health outcomes and the full realisation of the human right to health.

Demonstrating commitment and leadership on equal pay

26 September, 2018

PSI is participating in an Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) Pledging Event. The main objective of the event is to build a consortium of committed partners to accelerate the pace in closing the gender pay gap and achieving equal pay, in line with target 8.5 of the SDGs.

Four-day working week for all is a realistic goal this century, unions say

20 September 2018

Advances in technology mean that a four-day working week is a realistic goal for most people by the end of this century, the leader of the UK's trade union movement has said. She gets support from the biggest trade union in Norway, Fagforbundet, saying “our backdrop is the same” and there is a great “need for reorganizing our working hours”.

Spotlight Report 2018 - Geneva launch

17 September, 2018

Civil society organizations have a key role to play as independent watchdogs holding governments and international organizations accountable for their actions that help—or hinder—the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018 report, produced by a global coalition of civil society organizations and trade unions, provides a wide-ranging independent assessment of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.