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PSI joins civil society in welcoming the UN Global Compact on Refugees

18 December 2018

17 December 2018 marks the approval by the UN General Assembly of the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). A result of a series of thematic discussions and formal consultations conducted by the UNHCR from 2017 through 2018, the GCR aims to strengthen the international response to large movements of refugees and protracted refugee situations.

Quality Public Health for All: Time for Action

12 December 2018

12 December has been marked as Universal Health Coverage day, for some years now by UHC 2030 a multi-stakeholder partnership.

France: What care model do we want for the elderly?

12 December 2018

In France, EHPADs are residential establishments for elderly dependent people, sometimes known as a retirement home. EHPADs house elderly people over the age of 60 who have lost some physical and/or mental faculties and are no longer able to live at home. There are 7,200 EHPADs and 10,000 home care services in France. They house or provide support for 1.4 million elderly people and employ more than 700,000 workers.

PSI welcomes the adoption of the UN Global Compact on Migration

12 December 2018

Led by PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli, PSI came to Marrakesh with a 45-member strong trade union delegation. In addition to participating in the Adoption Conference, PSI organised a Strategy workshop and participated in the civil society days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, the Peoples Global Action and in the Global Unions Forum on Migration. On the eve of the Adoption Conference, PSI also organized a side event to promote a Stakeholders' Dialogue on Health Worker Migration and the Global Skills Partnerships, with the support of EPSU, WHO, FES and the German Federal Government.

Advancing Women's Human Rights through Gender Responsive Public Services

12 Dec 2018

This Expert paper by PSI proposes that the UNCSW adopt the framework of Gender Responsive Quality Public Services (GRQPS) and in doing so address the primary barriers to the delivery of GRQPS and the enablers of GRQPS and women’s human rights, including labour rights of those workers who are strategic in front line-public services.

Pulling out of the Migration Compact is an irresponsible step in the wrong direction

12 December 2018

The Council of Global Unions strongly denounces the ill-conceived decision of a number of UN Member States not to sign the historic agreement on 10 December 2018, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

Cleaners in public buildings in Geneva want to return to the public sector

11 December 2018

Several years ago, the Geneva office in charge of public buildings in the Canton took the decision to contract out the cleaning work in the buildings to private companies. This has resulted in a huge loss for the workers, and they are campaigning for the cleaning to return to the public sector.

70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

10 December 2018

Today, 10 December, we celebrate International Human Rights Day and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Over 2,000 signatures to halt declining working conditions and pensions at Geneva hospitals

06 December 2018

More than 2,000 employees from the Geneva university hospitals (HUG) in Switzerland have signed a petition asking for dramatic changes to their working conditions and pension fund allowances. Keen to provide quality public services, they denounce the declining work conditions that they face daily, and which prevent them from providing the services required.

PSI becomes member of EPIC

05 December 2018

Since November this year, PSI has become a member of the Equal Pay International Coalition-EPIC. Among the 15 members, PSI is the second global union federation taking action as a member of EPIC to reduce the gender pay gap.