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Bulgarian Federation of Trade Unions - Health Services continues to defend workers and public health

24 March 2019
Ivan Kokalov, President of Federation of Bulgarian Trade Unions - Health Services

The Bulgarian Federation of Trade Unions - Health Services works with regional councils around the country to ensure health sector workers all over Bulgaria benefit from labour protection, guarantees on the right to work, decent wages and better quality of life and social status.

22 March - Water for all... no exception

20 Mar 2019

As we celebrate World Water Day one week after the successful global students strike for climate, similarities between the two events find an echo in the frustration with political systems which refuse to address obvious and urgent needs of the people.

Human rights to water and sanitation lead the way to leaving no one behind, says UN expert

21 March 2019

The call to action comes from Léo Heller, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation.

Stand up for Human Rights and Dignity for All

20 Mar 2019

In 1966, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 21 March as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to commemorate the 1960 Sharpeville massacre in South Africa. An event that led to the killing of 69 blacks and more than 180 wounded, after police fired on a crowd of anti-apartheid protesters. 59 years have passed, and not much has changed.

PCS supports series of strikes over Ealing tax office closure

19 March 2019

As members of UK PSI affiliate Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) working at HM Revenue and Customs walk out of the closure-threatened Ealing office at noon on 20 March, PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka will join them on the picket line.

Addressing the human rights implications of privatization for women and girls

14 March 2019
This interactive side event to #CSW63, jointly organised by PSI, FEMNET and APWLD and opened by UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Philip Alston, focused with a human rights-based perspective on the privatization of public services.

Our last chance on climate?

Sixteen-year old Greta Thunberg from Sweden is inspiring a global movement for collective action on climate change. On March 15, 2019, a Global Climate Strike will see hundreds of thousands of young people in cities around the world join the movement.

PSI statements for the 144th session of the WHO Executive Board

13 Mar 2019

144th session of the Executive Board (24 January - 1 February 2019)

There Can Be No Gender Equality Without Quality Public Services

11 March 2019

In an Op-ed published around the world, Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary, writes about gender responsive quality public services and how women and girls are also the most impacted when countries offer poor basic facilities. Women´s access to social protection, gender-responsive quality public services and infrastructure is a priority of the international community and the main theme of UNCSW63, in which PSI is participating as part of the global union delegation.